Thanks a lot for you! I win this competition…

Hufff… for the first time with this blog, i win the Acer Intel e-Learning Competition 2008!

All of articles that i had written for this competition :

I wanna say thanks a lot to :

  1. Allah SWT
  2. My Parents
  3. This lovely Blog ( )
  4. Fitrah Meilia Purnama ( my junior at Information System ) thx for your advice, review, correction, and many things that you have done for me!
  5. Mr. Rully Soelaiman, M.Kom
  6. Mrs. Wiwik Anggraeni, M.Kom
  7. Mrs. Mahendrawathi ER, Ph.D
  8. Mr. Bambang Setiawan, M.Kom
  9. Mr. Romi Satria Wahono ( with your advice, those article was growing up step by step )
  10. Mr. Mujahiddin M.T.
  11. Mr. Ahmad Holil Noor Ali, M.Kom
  12. Mr. Arif Wibisono, S.Kom
  13. Mr. Fajar Baskoro, M.T.
  14. Mr. Daud Mukadar
  15. Aghita Sekarrini Y. ( for your incredible comment )
  16. Risti Anggraini Kurniawati ( for your patients comment )
  17. Barkhah Pudya Permana
  18. Sari Rachmatika
  19. Rosanny Sihombing ( for your objective comment )
  20. Phoenic’05 ( one thing that never can destroy, is the pride deep inside… we are one )
  21. All my junior at Genesis scuad ( i love you all! )
  22. All my junior at Anonims scuad ( your journey has only begun )
  23. Acer and Intel E-Learning Competition 2008 commission
  24. WordPress Development Team

And many persons that i can’t write in this post…
Thanks a lot! I am nothing without You all!

15 Responses to “Thanks a lot for you! I win this competition…”

  1. diah Says:

    congrats yaaa.. u have done the best thing for education.

    selamaatt selamatt, selmaat deh, emang pantas jadi pemenang *dari awal dah feel klo mas Andre ini yang bakalan menang 🙂

  2. parvian Says:

    @Diah : weee, makasih yah? waduh berlebihan kamu… waktu liat komposisi jurinya… gak PD sama sekali, lah jurinya :

    -DR. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., M.B.A. (IT Expert)
    -Prof. Dr. Gerardus Polla, M.App.Sc. (Rector Binus)
    -Michael Hariman (Editor CHIP Magazine)
    -Rainbow Saragih (Deputy GM for Public Sector Acer Indonesia)
    -Arya Sanjaya (World Ahead/Business Development Manager Intel Indonesia Corp.)

    But, anyway… maybe this is my lucky one… hope will see you again next year with different categories 🙂

    Keep on your spirit!!!

  3. Rosanny Sihombing Says:


    keep on bloging.. 🙂

  4. parvian Says:

    @Rosanny Sihombing : Thanks a lot 😀 … i am still waiting for your coming 😀

  5. phietzaa Says:


    Bismillah…hm..butuh comment g y??? 😀

    Oh..sblomX, sElaMat yaw om 😉

    really proud to be your NIECE…hehe..

    tp…namaQ kok bisa ada di nomer 4??? Jadi g enak sm orang2 terdekat laennya 😀

    tp terima kasih juga, membuat saia mrasa masih berguna walau hanya bisa sedikit membantu .. 🙂

    Tetep smangadh y om buat kompetisi2 slanjutnya sm rencana2 hidupX 😉

    Bertanamlah tasbih setiap detik,
    gagasan setiap menit, dan
    karya setiap jam.
    (DR. ‘A’id ‘Abdullah al~Qarni, M.A.)

  6. parvian Says:

    @Phietzaa : Ya, terima kasih banyak… Kenyataannya emang kamu yang bantuin aku pada detik-detik terakhir pengumpulan kan? 😀 Makasih juga buat semangatnya ya dek? Im nothing without You ( “Y” nya besar ) 😀

  7. riza Says:

    moga Allah selalu memberkahi karya2 kita sehingga bisa memberikan angin segar di lingkungan kita.

  8. Harry B. Santoso Says:

    Salam kenal Andre.. Congratulation for become the winner..

  9. parvian Says:

    @riza : Amin… terima kasih mbak 😀
    @Harry B. Santoso : ya pak, selamat buat bapak juga 😀

  10. dyah suminar Says:

    Wah…sang juara rupanya…Selamat ya mas andre.
    Terimakasih sudah kunjung ke blog ibu. Blog nya eyang putri.
    Ibu coba tengok2 dan baca baca blog mas andre….wah sulit banget. untuk memahami. Maklum ,,ibu Gap tek…

  11. parvian Says:

    @Dyah suminar : Makasih ya bu? yah ibu 😀 nanti saya buat tulisan yang enggak teknologi aja deh 😀 … HeEm bu blognya ibu bagus saya suka 🙂

  12. gurumuda Says:

    profisiat mas parvian… luar biasa.
    tetap dalam prdjoeangan

    gurumuda alias san

  13. parvian Says:

    @gurumuda : Terima kasih pak guru 🙂

  14. PKAB Says:

    Selamat buat Parvian, you deserve it, man!

    peta konsep anak bangsa

  15. parvian Says:

    @PKAB : Thanks a lot sir! im not as good as you 🙂

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